Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Don't Remember Much ....

I don't remember much from my childhood.  I can recall snippets of events, usually spurred on by pictures of the moment, but in general I just don't remember.

I was thinking about this the other day and wondering why, when it occurred to me that is was probably some sort of coping mechanism resulting from a traumatic experience I had when I was a kid.

So I thought back to the earliest possible memory I could clearly remember ....
I am riding in a school bus ... going to school ... Westhill Elementary ... I am sitting towards the middle of the bus ... I don't remember what is going on around me ... I remember sitting by myself ... I remember focusing intently on something ... my favorite peechee ... I remember really liking my peechee ... I remember looking longingly at my peechee ... I remember being overcome in one moment and kissing my peechee ... I remember Heather Fickbam, the cutest girl in school, snapping me out of my revery and questioning for all to hear, "DID YOU JUST KISS YOUR PEECHEE!?" ....
Everything in my life after that moment is pretty much a blur.

You might be asking what it was that drew me to such affection ...

If it was something like this picture ... that would be traumatic.


  1. Man, that Unicorn must've really messed you up...I think it convinced you that all the U's belong to unicorn, so traumatic can't have one anymore.

  2. Hmmm ... Thanks for pointing that out. *fixed

    Of course, an email would have been the "nicer" way ... kind of like the one I sent you.

  3. I remember Heather Fickbam, I think Sarah was friends with her. I always used to make fun of her name. I remember taking the bus to Westhill and there was a big scarey boy who at the time looked like an adult because he had a mustache. He always scared me.

  4. Have you ever received those e-mails (mom usually sends 'em) that talk about a study that was done where you only have to register the first and last letter of a word to process it? Yeah, that was your "tramatic" for me. I didn't understand Cheryl's comment until she explained it to me at lunch today.

  5. Jane, I think I remember that guy with the mustache ... but I'm not sure ... it could be merely that you suggested it. But I'm sure he scared me ... if I remember.

  6. What? Send an email? That would be so boring! I was pretty proud of my little riddle about "U's". Besides - you're the older one, so you have to send nice emails. I'm the younger one, so I get to be pesky.
