I've always known I have certain tendencies, but have always felt them quite minor compare to people who have issues that put them in a mental hospital or jail. (I have avoided both of those, so far).

Our church has had a couple of teachings about the effect of "bitter roots" in our lives. Imagine that your life is a tree. Your roots are what pull nutrients into your life and feed you. But what if those roots are bad? What if they are feeding you poison instead of nutrients? You've got a problem. But emotionally, that's what often happens. And the result is a shame-based life.
The same gentleman as above mentions there are 5 main areas of shame:
- Abuse - (physical, sexual, verbal, spiritual)
- Ridicule - (emotions, appearance, actions, etc)
- Neglect - (forgotten or ignored, not being loved)
- Family Secrets - (addiction, incest, health, criminal activities, etc)
- Trauma - (accidents or death that are experienced)
Wow. As I am contemplating what this journey may entail, it seems kind of daunting. Do I really want to remember standing in line at the water slides and those girls snickered and made fun of my feet? Do I really want recall my parents arguing one time that resulted in a broken plate of dinner? Do I really want to reflect on a friend who committed suicide?
::prayer:: Lord, help me understand myself and continue to show me why I am the way I am and how I can be who you want me to be. ::endprayer::
*quoted from Remy Diederich from his November 18, 2006 entry in his blog http://lifechangeseminars.blogspot.com/
this has nothing to do with your post, but there´s your costa rica dot :)