I know what many of you have thought over the years ... "Paul, how did you ever end up with a girl like Mandy?" And, you know what? I have no idea. I often wonder about that same thing. She doesn't know this (I don't think), but there are times when I will watch her and ponder my good fortune of having a woman like her settle with (for) a guy like me.
I remember my first "experience" with Mandy (who has her own blog). Her brother, Philip, was in a youth group (AFG) my sister Cheryl (who has her own blog too) and I were responsible for. AFG hung out every Wednesday night at the church (with the other youth groups). Mandy was in the High School Group and was supposed to pick Philip up at the end of the night. One time she never showed up and Phil said he couldn't find her. So I looked around and, sure enough, she was nowhere to be found. Someone suggested a group of people had gone to McDonald's and that maybe she went with them. She had. My impression: Phil's sister, the irresponsible high schooler.
Another time, all the youth groups were in charge of the "adult" service at church and she had offered to help hand out bulletins. She had just had knee surgery, and I remember thinking she wouldn't be able to hand them out while on crutches, but she wanted to help. I also remember thinking she should just go sit down and take it easy. My impression: Phil's sister, the I-won't-let-you-tell-me-I-can't-help high schooler.
"I am perfectly capable." |
Mandy was "Phil's sister". I really didn't know much about her except from my own experiences. Then I went to a college retreat (from our church) for the purpose of recruiting some leadership for the aforementioned youth group (AFG). For some reason, she was there (she was in high school). I rembember, at some point in time, I was sitting with (Angie?) expressing my hope to find some people to help with AFG. Mandy pipes up (I don't even remember her sitting there), "I'll help!" My impression: Phil's sister, not really the help I had in mind.
"Um, well, er," I stuttered. I couldn't say, "Yes." I think, at the time, I didn't want to say yes, this was Phil's sister. Being the quick thinker that I am, I stumbled on to say, "Well, it is your brother's youth group. It needs to be OK with him." I am not completely sure of the conversation that ensued between Phil and Mandy after the retreat, but she ended up helping. I think that was the first weekend in May of 1996. So she starts hanging out with the group and on May 22, 1996, she turned 18. My impression: Oh dear.
Now, I'll admit, I have always struggled with that moment. One minute she is Phil's sister the next she is Mandy and beautiful. We (the youth group leadership) took her to Godfather's Pizza for her birthday and as she sat across from me there was this inner turmoil. And then it happened. She laughed so hard she spewed pop and pizza all over me. I was in love.
I think it is important to mention that I was 23. She just turned 18 and I was 23. Before she was 18, I didn't really notice her ... she was just there. After she turned 18, I noticed her because she was there. I was worried. I really really liked her. But I was so much older. What would everyone say? What would everyone think? How would her parents respond? What about being in leadership at a church? These questions consumed me. I even tried to forget about her "in that way". But I couldn't. My impression: Oh dear.
Oh dear. |
And so it continued. I was convinced I was "wrong" to like her, that it was inappropriate. But I couldn't stop liking her. In youth group, we played capture the flag, and I found myself performing amazing feats of rescue when she was captured. In those few moments I could hold her hand as I saved her back to our side. In those few moments time slowed and we were skipping across prairies of wild flowers frolicking in our love for each other. /clear throat/
I remember, one night at my parents house, after they had hosted a college group party (that Mandy came to), I sat down and told my parents I thought I met the person I was going to marry. This was how far my "obsession" had come. I was going to marry her. But we weren't even dating yet. My impression: Oh dear.
Oh dear. |
Our church had a "Family Camp" weekend on July 19,20,21, and she was going. I had decided I was going to let her know how I felt, once and for all (less the marriage part) that weekend. Everywhere she was, I lingered, waiting for "the moment". That weekend is really a blur for me. I remember talking to my sister (Cheryl) about her. I remember talking to someone else about her. I remember being nervous and feeling awkward all weekend. But, at some point, I found out SHE LIKED ME TOO!!!! /clear throat/ I found out she liked me too. My impression: Yahoo!!!
If only Paul would notice me. |
That following Tuesday at TGIF's in Kirkland (where the college group went every tuesday), we went outside to "talk". We knew we both like each other but I had to tell her some things first. So we sat on a curb somewhere and I took her hand in mine and shared with her every "secret" I had. Those things that she needed to know about me if we were going to be together.
And so we started dating (7/23/1996). Apparently, she didn't hear anything I said. To this day, she still says all she could think about was that I was holding her hand. So much for confession.
Despite the fact that I was almost six years older, we had the blessing to "date" from everyone. My parents, her parents, the church leadership, everyone. In fact, a few people said that our "age" difference was of no consequence. Or, that we were perfect for each other. My impression: I really couldn't argue.
It didn't take long for us to talk about marriage. I don't know how it happened, but it was obvious we would be together forever. I proposed to her on April 11th, 1998 (click here to read the engagement story) and on November 14th, 1998 we were married.
Best Wedding Ever |
So that's how it happened, for those of you that have been wondering. It really is like a fairytale. The rest, as they say, is history.
Luckiest guy in the world. |