Thursday, May 13, 2010

Walking Tanks Are Too Legit.

(but they fall down a lot)
There are few science fiction worlds that have the scope of imagination and creativity of Star Wars.  George Lucas' juggernaut has long reaching tentacles* into every facet of pop culture.  Even if you don't like or have never seen Star Wars, you have certainly been exposed to it. 

It really is no secret ... I am a Science Fiction fan.  It is one of my absolute favorite genres (of books, of video games, of movies, etc) and Star Wars is often revisited time and time again.  And, of course, my influence (and good taste) has rubbed off on my kiddos, who have seen the three original episodes of Star Wars more than their mom (who has her on blog) and quite possibly more than me.

This post is to share with you two videos from YouTube paying homage to the popularity of Star Wars.  (If I had a feature on my blog about "What's Cool on YouTube" these would both subjectively qualify).

First) This parody of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys "Empire State of Mind" by

Second) This Lego Animation Summary of the original three episodes.

*see what I did there?

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